September 30, 2008

La Traviata live at the Zurich train station

If you like classical music or simply cool, innovative art events, you might be interested in a project that is live on arte TV right now. arte is a German-French-Swiss culture television channel. They are having a live broadcast from the main train station in Zurich where a performance Verdi's La Traviata is taking place. Yes, in the middle of the train station. With a full orchestra, and a normally running train traffic. It's amazing.

You can watch the video stream online for another three weeks. Go here for the performace itself and here for a stream of the performance from behind the scenes. You can read more about arte at The site is available in German and French.

2 Kommentare:

Darby O'Shea hat gesagt…

Oh! It's German AND Swiss! That's why it's in French half the time (and not always with subtitles!)...

I do remember a couple of fun nights where I rode out the end of being REALLY drunk while eating Scwarzbrot and watching whatever the hell was on Arte and wondering where all my French ability went...

booksandcoffee hat gesagt…

I think it's actually more German and French, with only a tiny bit of Swiss-ness. My favorite show on arte is Karambolage. It explains Germany to the French and France to Germans (e.g. "Das Frühstücksbrettchen").